The Golf Scene TV Show, hosted by Steve Kashul on NBC Sports Chicago, is now in its 28th season. The show is created and produced by Channel Fore, Inc. and is the longest airing golf television show in the nation, along with being one of the five longest airing television shows on Chicago. The Golf Scene is included within Chicago’s Museum of Broadcast Communications.
The show airs Sundays at 6PM and is replayed on NBC Sports Chicago throughout the week. The show provides in-depth reviews of local Chicago area golf courses and also showcases innovative new golf products.
Steve Kashul was born and raised in Park Ridge and has also been a feature writer/columnist for the Chicago District Golfer Magazine, and is a former sports writer for the Chicago Sun-Times, covering high school athletics. He has also served on numerous committees including those representing The March of Dimes, LaRabida Children’s Hospital, Midtown Educational Foundation, Illinois Special Olympics, and the Greater Chicago Club Managers Association.
Kashul has won two Emmy Awards as host of Chicago Bulls basketball and his work has been recognized nationally. Steve has also appeared as the lead announcer and voice of the Senior PGA Tour for CNBC, in addition to events on The Golf Channel, Notre Dame Football Coaches Show, and a show focusing on Special Olympics in Illinois.
Over its 28 years, The Golf Scene covered the majority of the top events, businesses and golf facilities in the Chicagoland area. Here are some of the local courses that have been featured on the show:
- Mistwood Golf Club
- Eagle Ridge Resort
- The Preserve at Oak Meadows
- Bartlett Hills Golf Club
- Bowes Creek Country Club
- The Highlands of Elgin Golf Course
- Deerfield Golf Club and Learning Center
- Fox Run Golf Links
- Golf Center Des Plaines
- Naperbrook Golf Course
- Springbrook Golf Course
- Chalet Hills Golf Club
- Village Greens of Woodridge
- The Arboretum Club