How to Play Golf With Your Significant Other

Playing golf can be a great getaway from the pressures and responsibilities of life. However, if you’re like me, and have limited time with your significant other (who may or may not play golf), taking time for a 4½ hour round plus commuting time can be somewhat difficult.

The next time you play, why not make plans to play golf with your significant other? Trust me, couples golf works best if you know how to handle that situation.

I’m lucky enough to be married to an understanding, lovely wife. She is my best friend and has no issues with telling me when I’m providing too much information on the golf course. She also played golf in high school.

Here are a few things that I’ve learned about playing golf with my wife. The following tips will help you enjoy your round of golf while spending a few hours with your significant other that will allow both of you to have a good time.

  1. Only play 9 holes. You may want to play a full 18, and she may say that it’s okay, but it’s not! Find a course that is easy to come back to the clubhouse, grab lunch or an early dinner afterwards and make sure not to push your luck. Let her decide what you get to eat (hot dogs don’t count as a meal)!

    Quite often, golf can take longer than planned. Therefore, your Sunday permanent tee time isn’t the time or the place to try this out. Try a Thursday evening or maybe a Friday afternoon, when the course isn’t busy. Most golf courses may try to book you with another group if the course is busy. Talk to the person you are booking with and ask them if they are busy around that time. You can’t control what they do, but it’s worth it to ask.

  2. Let her drive. You are busy focusing on your own game, so let her drive the golf car. You aren’t a drivers education instructor (if you are, good luck). She won’t do things you would do (she won’t floor it or take turns at the full 13-15 mph the car will go). However, it may be fun for her to drive around for a while. I would recommend waiting for an open, flat fairway, just in case.
  3. It’s OKAY golf. This just means it’s okay to not finish holes, or attempt to hit a bunker shot once or twice and pick up and toss it on the green. This also means, it’s okay to talk while people are hitting or it’s okay to not play a difficult hole.

    You aren’t playing in a tournament, so it’s okay to not play by all the USGA official rules. Don’t expect to keep score on your own game. If you have been playing long enough, you know that score isn’t everything. So enjoy the views, time, and take some pictures or slow motion video of each other.

  4. Pace of play is important. If you find that you can’t see the group ahead of you, play from a forward tee-box or maybe even start from the fairway. This will make the course happy, and keep the two of you on speaking terms!

If you play by any or all of these guidelines, you will have fun and get a chance to have a 3-hour day date with your significant other. Golf no longer needs to be separate ordeal (unless that’s what you want). Keep it fun, keep the pressure off, and don’t over solicit information. If either person is looking to improve, contact your local golf professional to get them some lessons.


T.J. Sullivan

TJ is a PGA Master Professional in Teaching and Coaching. He recently made the 2020/21 Golf Digest Best Young Teachers and 2019/20 Golf Digest Best Teachers in the State lists. A two time Illinois PGA Teacher of the Year Nominee and has taught over 22,000 lessons in 13 years with GOLFTEC. He also is a six time Outstanding Achievement in Instruction Award winner and a Coastal Carolina University PGM Alumni.

Chicago Golf Report
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